Deposit Protection Fund
of Uganda

What we have implemented

The project comprised of hardware, security, and software components. The hardware component includes supply, installation and maintenance of Dell Servers and Dell Storage, whereas the security component has supply, installation, and maintenance of Fortinet firewall. The software component included supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and maintenance of DPPS.

Mantra Technologies Ltd in Joint Venture with Gradatim have provided an integrated digital software solution that addresses  all aspects of the functioning of the Deposit Insurance viz. accounting, premium collection, claims settlement and payment systems, etc. Broadly the integrated digital solution will have the following distinctive functionalities:

  • Operations-Front – Single Customer View, Liquidator Self Service, Bank  Portal, Certified Auditor Portal, Banking Registration, Insurance Operations and Claims Settlement.
  • Operations-Back – Core system comprising of Premium Collection, Insurance Accounting, Claims Settlement and Reporting.
  • System integrations – Integration to Mobile Money platforms and Integration to commercial banks.

DPPS consolidates all financial data in one place and significantly improves the MIS, CRM and Risk Management for Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda thereby improving decision making process. Furthermore, DPPS aid in the maintenance of the life-cycle history of depositor-wise claim and payment history, which is useful for policy formulation. DPF has the entire profile of the banks at one place.

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Project Value

$ 1.2 Million


Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda (DPF)

DPF is a government agency that provides deposit insurance to customers of deposit-taking institutions licensed by Bank of Uganda.

Why was the project initiated?

DPF contracted Mantra Technologies Ltd in joint venture with Gradatim IT Ventures India Ltd for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a depositor payout and premium management system (DPPS). The need arose from the fact that DPPS is one of the key components of IT systems in the automation of deposit insurance for customers of deposit-taking institutions license by Bank of Uganda. Therefore, the lack of such a system necessitated the need to procure, install, test and commission DPPS.

Furthermore, for depositors of banks to maintain confidence in the banking system, it is essential to provide depositors quick access to their funds. Central Banks, worldwide, are implementing significant reforms in deposit insurance system aimed at ensuring early access to information about failing institutions, detailed and current information about deposits, and techniques for providing rapid access to funds apart from availability of adequate funds.

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